Welcome to
Pat Holt King Campaign Headquarters!

Candidate for Huntsville City School Board District 1

Step into the future of Huntsville City Schools with Pat Holt King –  a dynamic leader committed to transformative change and educational excellence. With a proven track record of leadership and a burning passion for equity and empowerment, Patricia is ready to lead our district into a brighter tomorrow.

As you explore our website, you’ll discover a captivating blend of inspiration, action, and community spirit. From vibrant visuals to compelling stories, we’ve crafted an immersive experience that celebrates our shared vision for a better future.

Join our movement today and become part of something extraordinary. Whether you’re a dedicated supporter or a curious voter, we invite you to explore, engage, and embrace the spirit of positive change. Together, we’ll light up the path to success for Huntsville City Schools.


Our Campaign Vision: Putting Students First

Student-First: Our Campaign’s Focus”

In our campaign, students take center stage. Our vision is crystal clear: to cultivate a school system where every decision, resource, and endeavor revolves around the well-being and triumphs of our students.

“Student-First” isn’t just a slogan—it’s a commitment to Excellence, Empowerment, and Equity, as outlined in the PEEK Performance Plan.

Excellence means providing a top-tier education for every student, inspiring them to reach their full potential and ensuring our educators have the resources they need to excel.

Empowerment means giving students, teachers, parents, and communities the tools and support they need to shape their own educational journeys and contribute positively to our schools.

Equity means getting students, teachers, parents and local businesses to collaborate to build support systems and programs to ensure success. Ownership for a brighter future through education.


Join us as we prioritize students and forge a path towards a brighter collective future. Together, we’ll shape a school system where every student not only survives but thrives.

Introducing Pneumatics with Legos.

The Visionary Our School Board Needs Right Now

Meet Pat Holt King

Embark on a journey of inspiration and leadership with Patricia Holt King – a visionary candidate poised to elevate Huntsville City Schools to new heights. With over 25 years of experience and a deep-rooted commitment to community service, Patricia embodies the ideal candidate for the Huntsville City Schools Board of Education.

On this page, you’ll delve into the heart and soul of Patricia’s remarkable journey – from her humble beginnings to her tireless advocacy for educational excellence. Through captivating anecdotes and powerful testimonials, you’ll witness the profound impact Patricia has had on our community and the lives of those she serves.

Join us in celebrating Patricia’s unwavering dedication and boundless passion for change. Together, let’s forge a brighter future for Huntsville City Schools, fueled by love, unity, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Ready to Support Pat Holt King?

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Get Involved! Stand Up for Education! 

Volunteer for Patricia Holt King’s Campaign for Huntsville City Schools Board of Education!

You can support Pat by volunteering to canvass neighborhoods, installing yard signs, working events and hosting fundraisers.

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Paid by Friends To Elect Pat Holt King